The College Student Guide to Getting Work Done

Kraig McFadden
Age of Awareness
Published in
12 min readMar 12, 2019


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I both loved and hated doing work when I was at school. It was great because I could set my own hours, but it was awful because I could, well… set my own hours. Professors also had no mercy when it came to handing out work, so the end result was too much to do and not enough willpower to slog through it all. To get by, I had to do the same thing all students have to do — adopt some work habits and figure out…



Kraig McFadden
Age of Awareness

Staff backend software engineer. Pursuing an MDIV at Reformed Theological Seminary. Princeton 2018 - Electrical Engineering. Opinions are my own.